As far as we know there are only 2 ways to lose weight, 1 is calorie deficit the other is keto.
If you are following any other version of keto i.e. high protein or low carb often recommended on other groups then you will see that these incorporate a calorie deficit, we don’t recommend that here because you have to keep reducing calories to keep losing weight as the body self regulates. Of course there are caveats, you can’t be on hugely excessive calories on a standard diet and not expect to have to eat to a more healthy, sustainable amount of calories even though they are a very poor measure of what food macros do in the body. BUT low carb or keto allows you to do it without hunger.
Even if you are eating 100g of protein a day and around 20g of carbs this is only 500 calories worth. When they tell you to lower fat so that you are using body fat for fuel and allocate you 100g of fat you are now following a low calorie diet (under 1400 calories). You can dress it up any way you like but if you consistently eat less that your body needs then yes, you will lose weight but somewhere along the line your body will rebel and demand ALL the food as well as holding on to everything it can. You cannot fight your body’s needs forever, so you are back in the cycle of previous diets, eat less and do more. Chances are you will “fall off” have a cheat day blah, blah, blah. We see it over and over again.
Okay so now keto. We set carbs at 20g because it guarantees nutritional ketosis, some people can have more but unless you are testing daily, you won’t know.
We use W.H.O guidelines for protein both because it’s essential but also, for those with metabolic diseases gluconeogenesis will come into play. If you have no health problems, a little more protein won’t hurt. Once again everyone is different and you need to find what works for YOU!!
For a long term sustainable version of keto you now need to look at fat. The rest of your calories need to come from fat BUT, you need a good variety. If you eat dairy, only half of your fat should come from dairy. Fat will keep you full, fat will not instigate an insulin response(unless you are adding artificial sweeteners), fat is your friend.
If your daily energy expenditure is 1800 calories for example and only 400 are coming from carbs and protein then 1400 calories needs to come from fat. That’s roughly 150g or 7 heaped tablespoons. When you consider that you probably ate far in excess of that in carbohydrates previously doesn’t it seem a bit more do-able?
If you are in any doubt about low calorie diets research Zoe Harcombe, Ken Berry, Jason Fung and the calorie deception. These will lead you to further resources.