Jo began her keto adventure in April 2018 – well began it seriously let’s say,there had been some lowering of carbs for a while but when all the research & science had been examined – and boy does she love the science (she does by the way!). Keto and time restricted eating seemed to just make sense. Now even though she believed in the science she didn’t believe it would actually work, so said let’s give it a week, then a month and then three months. And so the adventure continued until she had gone from a size 26 to a size 12 and had lost 60kg in ten months.
And whilst losing the weight she also lost her IBS, her PoTS got much much better and her hypermobility whilst it will always be there means that joints now only semi dislocate not fully! She hates the gym and dodges that but likes to go on long walks with her husband and two children.
In the past Jo was a chef and still loves to cook, so keto has meant lots of experiments to make sure that her family is fed with tasty and nutritious meals.
She’s a no nonsense, straight talking kinda gal; that comes with lashings of empathy. So, whether you need a kick in the rear or a virtual hug than Jo is the one to support you to get where you need to go.
At present she’s able to offer mentoring at £25.00 for the month or mentoring including a two week meal plan at £50.00 for the month.
If you would like to be mentored by Joanne please ask for more details at