
ACV Apple Cider Vinegar
AS Artificial Sweetener
BF% Body Fat Percentage
BG Blood Glucose
BPC Bullet Proof Coffee
CICO Calories In Calories Out
CKD Cyclical Keto Diet
CW Current Weight
GW Goal Weight
HF High Fat
HIIT High Intensity Interval Training
HWC Heavy Whipping Cream
IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IF Intermittent Fasting
IIFYM If It Fits Your Macros
IR Insulin Resistance
KCKO Keep Calm Keto On
Lazy Keto Many variations, typically means not tracking all macros
LBM Lean Body Mass
LC Low Carb
Macros Macronutrients, consisting of Protein, Fat, and Carbs
MCT Medium Chain Triglycerides
MFP MyFitnessPal; macro tracking app
NSV Non-Scale Victory
OWL Ongoing Weight Loss
PCOS Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
RDA Recommended Daily Allowance
SF Sugar Free
TOTM Menstruation
SKD Standard Keto Diet
SV Scale Victory
SW Start Weight
T1D Type 1 Diabetes
T2D Type 2 Diabetes
WOE Way of Eating
WOL Way of Living